Saturday, August 9, 2014

VLOG: LA ❤️ Venice, Warner Bros, Hollywood, & more!

Have you seen my latest YouTube video yet?  It's the first of three California vlogs that I will be posting!  This one is from my two days in LA!  Stay tuned for parts two and three of this series - I honestly think that the videos keep improving as I move through my trip :)  Let me know what you think and what your favorite part of the vlog was!

Take care,

Ali Dear

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Resolutions for 2014

Two posts in one day, let's hope this pattern continues!

I've never been the type to make New Years resolutions, but this year I decided to come up with a few.  There are things I've been wanting to  change and work on for a while now, and I'm hoping this will serve as motivation to make those dreams happen.  So here are my resolutions.

1) Cut soda from my diet.  Unnecessary calories!  But the occasional iced tea or lemonade is acceptable. 

2) Work out at least once a week.  I know, sounds simple, but believe me when I say that working out is not my forte. 

3) Go back on Weight Watchers.  I was so much happier when I stuck with that plan, and it really worked.  

4) Stick with something.  Whether it's writing my book or posting often on Instagram/blogger, don't half ass it!  Follow that dream.  

5) Stay on top of things when I go to college. Keep organized and try to procrastinate as little as possible. 

6) Realize that certain people aren't your friends any more.  Stop getting upset when you see that they hang out without you, and just accept it.  They've burned that bridge, so focus on people who care about you and who make you happy.  The rest don't matter.  Then, after graduation, unfollow/friend them.  No need for constant reminders.

That's all I can come up with for now, but I'd love more inspiration!


The New Year

Good morning and happy 2014!  
I'm posting this via the mobile app, so hopefully it looks normal on a desktop! Last day of vacation today, so sad :(

via Instagram: xoalidear

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Packing for Summer College

During my Junior year of high school, I applied to Cornell University Summer College.  This program is held during the summer and is open to high school students who are looking to take college level courses.  I was accepted into their business course for the summer of 2013.  This course has a duration of three weeks, which I will spend in the dorms on campus with a room-mate.  Classes begin in just a few days, so as my time at home decreases, I have been busy packing away!

I have decided to blog about my experience while I am away rather than journal in my little notebook.  Let's hope I actually stick to this goal.  

As CUSC approaches, I am both nervous and excited.  I have never been away from my parents for more than two nights (I was never really the sleep-away camp type of girl), so this is a huge jump for me!  I'm also extremely nervous about having a room-mate - I really hope we get along!  I get a bit of social anxiety, so hopefully I can conquer that and insert myself into some group activities!  

All in all, I hope to meet some amazing people from all around the world while I am at Summer College.  I also hope I can figure out if business is really something I would enjoy studying in college (I'm currently thinking that I want to major in Marketing).  

Well, I'm off to grab my suitcase and finish packing!  

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween! Flo the Progressive Girl costume

 I am a huge fan of costumes relating to pop culture.  While I don't go trick-or-treating, I do love a good costume party!  This year I went as Flo the Progressive Girl from Progressive Insurance.  If you don't know, she's the mascot of the company, and is constantly in commercials - she's very popular around here!

So here's what I wore:

  • white t-shirt
  • skinny jeans
  • leather-banded watch
  • black winged liner
  • red lip
  • navy Converse
  • navy bandanna (to replace her usual navy headband)
For my apron, I bought a plain white one at Michael's Craft Store.  Then I painted on the Progressive logo.  For the badges, I printed them out, backed them on black card stock  and wrapped them in packing tape to make them water-proof.  Then I attached safety pins and clipped them to the apron!  

 Let me know what you dressed up as for Halloween!

Take care,

Sunday, September 30, 2012

September 2012 Birchbox

  • The Brush Guard by Birchbox
    • this is kinda nice so I don't have to squeeze my brushes into the plastic cases they came in.  
  • WEI to go Beauty 
    • this is cool, it has some tinted moisturizer and some gelled oil cleanser for on-the-go getting ready!  travel size!
  • Bvlgari Mon Jasmin Noir Eau de parfum
    • nothing special, but I'll wear it
  • Twist Tie - blace lace 
    • So excited!  I don't actually wear them in my hair, I just like them as bracelets(:
  • Vasanti BrightenUp! Enzymatic Face Rejuvenator
  • Color Club's Put a Pin in It
    • like a rose gold
    • I got a gold polish by them before and loved it, so I can't wait to try this out!
    • I heard this Birchbox nail polish collection was inspired by social networking sites, and this one was Pinterest, which it cool!
I loved this box - the nail polish and twist tie were lovely!
Take care,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

DIY: Nail Stickers

This is a very simple technique if you wish to make your own nail stickers.  You can create little accents, or stickers for your whole nail.  This is great if you are painting the nails of a bunch of friends and want to prepare ahead of time.  Also, if you're not very good at painting with your non-dominant hand, this is great for more precision.

1. With your nail polish, paint your design on a plastic zip-lock bag.
2. Let dry completely.
3. Peel off carefully.
4. I find that it sticks best on top of nail polish that is still slightly tacky/gooey.  Place the sticker on top of your already painted nails.
5. Add a top coat to seal it in.

That's it!  Take care,