Thursday, July 11, 2013

Packing for Summer College

During my Junior year of high school, I applied to Cornell University Summer College.  This program is held during the summer and is open to high school students who are looking to take college level courses.  I was accepted into their business course for the summer of 2013.  This course has a duration of three weeks, which I will spend in the dorms on campus with a room-mate.  Classes begin in just a few days, so as my time at home decreases, I have been busy packing away!

I have decided to blog about my experience while I am away rather than journal in my little notebook.  Let's hope I actually stick to this goal.  

As CUSC approaches, I am both nervous and excited.  I have never been away from my parents for more than two nights (I was never really the sleep-away camp type of girl), so this is a huge jump for me!  I'm also extremely nervous about having a room-mate - I really hope we get along!  I get a bit of social anxiety, so hopefully I can conquer that and insert myself into some group activities!  

All in all, I hope to meet some amazing people from all around the world while I am at Summer College.  I also hope I can figure out if business is really something I would enjoy studying in college (I'm currently thinking that I want to major in Marketing).  

Well, I'm off to grab my suitcase and finish packing!